
Impaza has been authorized in Mexico

The drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction Impaza has been authorized in Mexico
This is the first case when a drug of this category manufactured by the Russian company has been authorized in this Latin American country. Impaza appeared in the company portfolio in 2002. Due to a unique combination of efficacy and safety, the drug gained loyalty of the subjects and physicians rapidly, predominantly as therapy of choice in patients under risk, i.e. those with diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases.

Today, Impaza is the only drug eliminating the cause of erectile dysfunction and recovering physiological potency, while being safe even in long-term therapy. This has been verified by 10-year experience in Russia and by clinical studies.

According to questionnaires within the target population, Impaza is one of the most recognizable brands in the Russian market within the category of erectile dysfunction remedies.
In 2010 Impaza was patented in the USA. Currently, the drug is being marketed in Russia and CIS countries.